# North & Brothers

North & Brothers

Discover the amazing marine life of the stunning Brother Islands, which includes wall walls, wreck diving, and a wealth of marine life. You may explore some of the best wrecks the Red Sea has to offer on this liveaboard's northern section. An excellent excursion for people who want to see world-famous reefs and wrecks.

SS. Thistlegorm – Shaab Ali:

Any Red Sea diver must dive the mysterious SS Thistlegorm.

It's a wreck enthusiast's dream, not the least of which is her magnificent cargo.

But it also offers a variety of fish. Schools of barracuda or large tuna and snapper are not uncommon here.

As an artificial reef, it also attracts countless coral fish. Worth seeing is the stern with its guns, the midship and foreship, the bow and the cargo, as well as the vehicles, the two locomotives, the tender and the water wagon.

The currents at the wreck are moderate, sometimes strong. Visibility is generally moderate and there are often many boats on site.

The early morning hours are recommended as the best diving time.

Abu Nuhas:

Also known as “Ship Graveyard”. Who has not heard of the 4 wrecks of Abu Nuhas.

This reef has more ships than any other in the area.

On the north side of Abu Nuhas, the four wrecks lie on a sandy seabed. Giannis D, SS Carnatic, Chrisoula K and Kimono M.

On the south side there is a secure berth for liveaboard vessels.

Giannis D – Abu Nuhas:

The Giannis D lies at 26m on the port side with a fully intact stern and an impressive engine room packed with glass fish.

Carnatic - Abu Nuhas::

A British P&O steamer that hit the reef in 1869.

It lies at a depth of 29m. The whole hull is draped with colorful soft corals. The wreck is home to glassfish, octopus, moray eels and mackerel.

From time to time a frogfish can also be spotted here.

Big Brother Island:

A 400 meter long island with 2 beautiful wrecks and magnificent drop offs.

The Numidia wreck lies at the northern tip between 10 and 80 meters. On the north-west side of the island is the wreck of the Aida.

Every section of this reef is covered with coral and life.

Small Brother Island:

The reef has a very high concentration of life in a very small area.

Coral forests, overhangs, hard and soft corals in a variety and amazing colours... and of course there is plenty of fish!

Regular sightings of hammerhead, thresher, gray, silky and white tip reef sharks can be expected at any time of the year.

The magic of the Red Sea continues, Follow Blue Whales Safari on social media platforms for more breattaking shots!


With Blue Whales Safari Liveaboard you dive into breathtaking wildlife, beautiful corals and fascinating wrecks.

We are looking forward to welcome you onboard soon!

                                                      Bishoy Tal'at